Lyn Porter Counselling
Lyn Porter has an Adelaide (South Australia) based personal counselling practice.
She is a university qualified, professional counsellor with over 20 years of experience in helping individuals and couples deal with a range of relationship problems, personal concerns & employment related issues.
Lyn has quiet consulting rooms at Rose Park serving the eastern suburbs of Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills.
She also offers counselling through Gawler Professional Counselling Services in central Gawler, serving Salisbury and Elizabeth, the Barossa, Mid North and Adelaide Plains.
Lyn provides face to face counselling, either in her rooms in Rose Park and Gawler,  -or-  online  -or-  by telephone.
About Lyn

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Phone:   0423 122 145.
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Lyn is an experienced, university qualified counsellor, providing confidential, caring, professional support, for: counseling services, personal concerns, marriage counselling, couples counselling, relationship counselling, conflict, arguing, arguments, not connecting, abusive relationships, relationship problems, goal setting, grief and loss, low self esteem, guilt, self blame, negative thoughts, life strategies, life directions, healing the past, depressed, depression, bullying, carers, stress, crisis, womens issues, bereavement, separation, job loss, employment problems, employee assistance program, workplace issues, work issues, work problems, school, anxiety, panic attacks, dysfunctional family, parenting strategies, frustration.
Lyn consults from her rooms in Rose Park, serving the Eastern suburbs of Adelaide and Adelaide Hills.
She also has consulting rooms north of Adelaide, in Gawler, covering Salisbury, Elizabeth and surrounding country areas, including the Barossa Valley, Adelaide Plains and Mid-North of SA (South Australia).
Lyn is also an experienced telephone counsellor, providing phone, or online face to face counselling services for those who are unable to attend her consulting rooms.