The Module 1 Group, with the tour's charter aircraft on the strip at Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea, with Lihir Gold staff. From left: John Milovanovic (North Limited, Australia), Paul Heithersay (North Limited, Indonesia), Mike Northcote (Normandy Anglo-Asian, Indonesia), Luke Swift (Normandy Anglo-Asian, Indonesia), Dave Palmer (RTZ-CRA Exploration, Australia), Nils von Fersen (Falconbridge, Chile), John Ikstrums (Resolute Ltd, Australia), Alfons Latorre (Aurora Gold, Indonesia), Duncan Hackman (RTZ-CRA Exploration, Australia), Jeffrey Lindhorst (Dalton Pacific, Philippines), Paul Woolrich (Ranger Minerals, Australia), Graham Begg (WMC Exploration, Australia), Sugeng Widodo (PT Freeport Indonesia), Brett Duck (Lihir Gold, PNG), Guy Travis (Ranger Minerals, Australia), Lihir Gold Geologist, Andui (Pilot). This group visited the ore deposits at Lihir; Porgera; and Ok Tedi, all in Papua New Guinea.
Photograph by Mike Porter