PorterGeo Learning from the rocks
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World Ore Deposit Database
Geological descriptions, tonnage and grade,
Literature reference citations and location.

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Study Tours
International Study Tours   -  now discontinued
Reminiscences of 37 tours, between 1997 and 2019,
taking ~650 geologists from across the globe, on
over 400 visits to classic ore deposits around the world.
Our Books
PGC Publishing Books & e-Books
Describing porphyry and IOCG deposits,
All contained papers now open access, and full text online.
Publications & Conferences
Recent published papers and conference presentations,
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Ore deposit knowledge
Image by: Mike Porter
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Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd
Ore deposit database
Conferences & publications
International Study Tours
   Tour photo albums
PGC Publishing
Our books and their contents
   Iron oxide copper-gold series
   Super-porphyry series
   Porphyry & Hydrothermal Cu-Au
Ore deposit literature