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Bushveld 2006
A Tour Organised for Amazônia Mineração Ltda.
[Tour Group]
At Impala Platinum's Marula Mine, Eastern Bushveld, Limpopo Province, South Africa.

From the left: Don Grimbeek (Geology Manager, Impala Platinum) with the Amazônia Mineração tour group, Eduardo Henrique Pereira (Senior Geologist - PGE Projects), Mario Conceição Araújo (Project Manager - PGE), Fernando Latorraca (Senior Geologist - Nickel Projects), Guilherme Kroll (Senior Geologist - PGE Projects), João Antonio Silva (Nickel Projects Manager) and Marco Túlio Carvalho (Country Exploration Manager).

Photograph provided by, and reproduced with the permission of, Amazônia Mineração Ltda.

This was a 'Tour to Order', organised by Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd on request from, and to the specifications of, Amazônia Mineração Ltda of Brazil, as a professional development course for members of that company's staff.

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