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CopperBelts 2014
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe
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[Tour Group at Boseto]
Boseto, Kalahari Copperbelt, northern Botswana - The tour commenced when the first members of the group rendezvoused in Johannesburg in South Africa on the evening of Wednesday 30 April, 2014. On the following day they flew to Maun in northern Botswana. That night they met Debbie Thornton (top left), Senior Geologist with Discovery Metals Limited, responsible for the company's exploration in the Kalahari Copperbelt. Background geological discussion took place over an informal dinner at sunset, overlooking the Thamalakane River on the southern margin of the Okavango Delta (top left).
   Next morning the group made an early departure for the 90 minute drive to the Boseto operation, where they had a further, more detailed geological briefing by exploration geologist Maatla Letsholo. This briefing had followed a visit to the Zeta Pit, which was undertaken ahead of the midday blast. The pit visit had first entailed an overview of the 3 km long, narrow mine that follows the steeply dipping, linear, stratabound ore deposit (top and lower right and bottom left). The group had then gone into the pit to study and discuss the hosts and ore with Debbie and her staff (lower centre). When this pit is completed, underground production is planned to follow the deposit to depth.  
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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