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CopperBelts 2014
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe
Photo Index
[At Lumwana]
In the Malundwe Pit and drill core inspection at Lumwana - Following the Malundwe pit overview, the group went down into section of the pit to be given a further detailed explanation of what we could see (top left), which largely comprised the shallow dipping Ore Schist (the sulphide stained band in the main upper left image, where arrows mark the hanging wall and footwall contacts), overlain by the barren Grey Sheared Hanging wall Gneiss, and underlain by barren Footwall Gneiss. The Ore Schist has mylonitic textures and has been folded and disrupted into a series of boudins (the nose of one is just to the right of the upper arrowhead). The upper right image shows Bob North of Freeport posing by a green waterfall, where ground water emerges from the Ore Schist (the arrowhead shows the upper margin of the ore). The lower right image is an example of higher grade bornite (e.g., lower arrowhead) and chalcopyrite (upper arrowhead) ore from this locality. The group spent well over an hour in the pit studying the ore and hosts with Barrick geologists, before going back to the office for a quick lunch, and then to the Chimiwungu pit, before the core shed (lower left) to view a representative selection of drill holes through the host sequence and orebodies from both Malundwe and Chimiwungu. The core was well labelled, with drill logs and assay data available for each. At the end of the afternoon, the group thanked our hosts for a very enlightening, thorough and well presented visit. Then they returned to the tour bus at the mine gate to return to Solwezi by sunset.   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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