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CopperBelts 2014
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe
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[Underground at Mindola]
Underground at Mindola, Zambia  -   Friday the 9th May was another early start.   The group had breakfasted, checked out of the Protea Hotel Chingola and were on the road by 05:40 am, to be at the security gate outside the Mindola SV shaft by 06:45 am.   After entering the mine area, the group had a brief introduction to the geology of the mine area before changing to go underground, and then transferring to the Mindola North shaft (lower left) on the northern, least deformed end of the Mindola-Nkana-SOB line of mines.   Once underground, they were taken to a series of clean representative exposures of each of the units that make up the immediate hosts and orebodies in generally quiet parts of the mine where explanations and discussion were clearly heard.   The underground visit was led by Barnabas Mpaka, with contributions from Alex Simitowe and Rupert Sililo.   When the traverse was completed, and discussion waned, the group was returned to the surface to shower and change before lunch.
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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