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CopperBelts 2014
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe
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[At Tenke-Fungurume]
In the field, open pit and classroom at Tenke-Fungurume, Katanga Province, DRC.  -  Another early start saw the group out of bed, breakfasted, checked-out of the Grand Karavia, to Lubumbashi Airport before 07:00 am. After being processed at the airport, the group, which now totalled 24, boarded the two tour charter aircraft and were in the air soon after 07:40 am, to land at Tenke-Fungurume Airport by 08:25 am. There they were met by Bob North of Tenke Fungurume Mining, who was to lead the visit. Bob had taken the Zambian section of the tour as a participant, along with his colleagues who joined us again for the day to assist with the visit and join in the discussion.
  After a safety induction at the airport and dispensing of PPE, the group set out in a fleet of mine-safety-equipped 4WD vehicles to the lookout over the Kwatebala open pit and surrounding district for a geological orientation (top left - Bob North is pointing). They were then taken to one of the upper benches of the pit to traverse the main mineralised sequence of the Mine Subgroup in the oxide zone (bottom left), before going down into the pit to see the unweathered rocks.
  After the pit, they traversed sections of the Tenke-Fungurume Roan Window to observe exposure of the orebodies and host sequence in the field (e.g., at Mwadinkomba - upper right). The central image illustrates the exposure as a ridge (on the right) of the generally barren (but often supergene mineralised), resistant RSC unit that separates the Lower and Upper Orebodies. The green slope with only low grass cover between the ridge and creek on the left is a 'copper clearing', due to copper poisoning and reflecting the Lower Orebody.
  By just after 1:00 pm, they had arrived at the main camp, where lunch was provided, followed immediately by a comprehensive classroom lecture (lower right) from Bob North, with input from Sebastien Lavoie (Exploration Manager, Tenke Fungurume Mining) and Rich Leveille (President, Freeport McMoRan Exploration).   Photograph by Mike Porter.

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