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CopperBelts 2014
Sediment Hosted Copper in Africa & Europe
Photo Index
[Tour Group at TFM]
The tour hotels in Kolwezi, DRC, and Lubin, Poland.   The four nights based out of Kolwezi were spent at the Kampi Ya Boma hotel on the edge of the city, close to the airport. The main image is of the front of the complex, set back from the high fence and gate house of the compound. This area includes the bar, pool and restaurant area (bottom right). The individual units (lower centre), with one tour particpant each, were connected by thatched walkways (lower left). The tour bus is seen to the right on the main image, waiting for the group in the early morning.
  After 36 hours travel on the weekend of 17 and 18th May, from Kolwezi in tropical central Africa, via Lubumbashi, Nairobi, Zurich, Frankfurt and Wroclaw, the on-going group was in Lubin, Poland, half a world away in temperate northern Europe, booked into the Chata Karczowiska Hotel (centre left).   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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