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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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[Igarape Bahia]
The CVRD Igarape Bahia lateritic gold pit, developed over the upper sections of an iron-oxide copper-gold system, which includes the deeper, connected, primary, higher copper grade Alemão deposit.   Lower right: Mine geologist Alfredo Nunes (right) who led the group on a revealing tour of the pit.

Igrape Bahia was an around 2 hours drive from the Carajás Nucleo, past the Carajás N4 iron pits, then through the jungle on well kept mine roads. On site the the visit started with comprehensive presentations on the setting, geology, mineralisation and geophysics of the Igrape Baha and Alemão deposits. These were followed by an overview from above the Accompamento pit (central image above), before going down into it and inspecting the lateritic gold mineralisation and the transition to the magnetite, chlorite and siderite breccias that host the Alemão deposit below. They then proceeded to the Alemão decline portal to study mineralisation from the ore and waste stockpiles. Next they were given the opportunity to study core from several selected drill holes through both Alemão and the hypogene mineralisation below the Accompamento pit. They then departed in the late afternoon for the drive back to the Nucleo. The day had been hot, and humid, with the air hazy, as is evident in the images of the Accompamento pit.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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