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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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Module 2A Logisitics - accommodation, transport and welcome
Module 2A logistics.   Top left: One of the welcome sign on the approach roads to the Carajás Nucleo - on the last day, these were changed to 'Thankyou for your visit'.   Lower right: The two tour charter minibuses on the road to Igarape Bahia.  Bottom left: The Hotel at Canaã dos Carajás.  Top right: The Jatoba Park Hotel, Carajás Nucleo.

On the final day of the module, the group all flew to Brasilia where the module officially ended, and from where those not taking Module 2B dispersed to their home bases around the world. For those continuing onto Module 2B, then next two days, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October were welcome rest days in Brasilia. The new starter, joined those remaining on the Sunday night.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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