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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[Mankayan briefing]
Technical lectures at Mankayan:   After a good nights rest in the Lepanto mine guest house, following the long journey from Manila, the main Mankayan visit commenced, after an early breakfast.   This entailed a series of technical lectures and discussion led by Gold Fields (our hosts) specialists on the regional setting, detailed geology, structure, alteration and mineralisation of the Lepanto high sulphidation mineralisation, underlying Far South-east porphyry, and associated Victoria-Teresa low to intermediate sulphidation deposits, their inter-relationship and what this told us about the occurrence of epithermal mineralisation.   These lectures were delivered by Peter Dunkley, a senior geological mapping specialist (second from the right on the far side of the table), Andy Wurst, Chief Geologist Porphyry and Epithermal Projects (on the far right on the opposite side of the table), both of Gold Fields; Guillaume Lesage, Poject Geologist, Far South-east Gold Resources (not in image), with contributions to the discussion by Craig Feebrey, Regional Manager, Gold Fields Australasia (standing to the left), Devin Den Boer, Geology Manager, Far South-east Gold Resources (in the CDH hi-vis vest, back to the camera) and Berry Somintac, D. Geology Manager, Far South-east Gold Resources (sitting on the far left). These sessions were interspersed with field traverses, and finally with an inspection of core from selected drill holes and vein samples illustrating the different styles of mineralisation (see the following images).   Photograph by Mike Porter.

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