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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[Chatree Presentation]
Chatree Presentations:   Following the long drive south from Mankayan to Manila (Philippines), the group went direct to the international airport to connect with a Saturday night flight to Bangkok, arriving at 10:00 pm, and transferring to the airport Novotel.   One participant had ended his tour in Manila, and two more were waiting in Bangkok to join.   Next morning they all got to sleep in (a rare treat), before a leisurely breakfast and departure soon after 10:00 am in two luxury vans for the four and a half hour drive north on fast, well maintained roads across open countryside, to Taphan Hin, in central Thailand.   There, the group was accommodated in three mine guest houses (one of which is shown in the lower right image).   Most spent Sunday afternoon expanding on and tidying up their notes, archiving and captioning photos taken to date while still fresh in their minds, starting their reports, etc.   Later in the evening, the group dined with senior mine staff.   Early next morning they were transferred to the Chatree mine office, where the first half of the day was occupied by lectures and discussion (main image) on the regional- to local-scale tectonic, geological and metallogenic setting of the Chatree district, the discovery of the deposit and its expression in exploration data, delivered by Weerasak Lunwongsa, Exploration Superintendent at Issara Mining.   This was followed by the geology and mineralisation of the low to intermediate sulphidation Chatree epithermal gold deposit, presented by Suphanit Suphananthi, Geology Manager, Akara Mining.   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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