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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[Hidden Valley Pit]
In the Pit at Hidden Valley:   Upon returning from Lihir on the previous evening, the group stayed the night in Port Moresby and departed early next morning for the airport.   One new starter and another who was unable to go to Lihir, expanded the group for the remainder of the Tour.   Minor delays in refuelling and aircraft maintenance delayed departure, but eventually the two planes chartered, the same Beechcraft Super Kingair used on the previous day, and a Beechcraft C90 Kingair, were in the air, heading for Bulolo in the Highlands.   At Bulolo, the group was met by a Morobe JV bus and transferred into the mountains to the Hidden Valley mine office, a journey of near 2 hours.   Following a geological introduction and safety induction in the office, the group was taken up to the mine at a higher altitude still to take advantage of the clear weather while it lasted.   Never-the-less, soon after getting to the lookout above the Hidden Valley pit, clouds started to roll in and a light drizzle fell sporadically.   We were given an overview at the lookout, led by Greg Morehari (Senior Exploration Geologist), and Delilah Magautu (Senior Mine Geologist), before going down into the pit to study the ore, hosts and alteration.   Photograph by Mike Porter.

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