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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[End of Tour]
Departure from Kairik/Porgera:   Following the Porgera visit, the group arrived back at Kairik airport in the mid-afternoon where our two Tropicair charter aircraft (upper image) awaited.   By now clouds were starting to enclose the valley and we had to depart before they descended and engulfed the rugged mountains and the cliffs of New Guinea Limestone (lower-right) that enclose the valley.   We were soon aboard and taking off down the steep, "hockey-stick" runway and off the "ski-jump" at the end (lower-left) to climb out of the valley, up through a gap in the cloud cover and the 2 hour flight to Port Moresby.   The tour officially ended on arrival at Jackson Airport in Port Moresby on the evening of Thursday 31 May, and the group had each made their own independent arrangements from there.   However, due to the speed differential between the two aircraft, those in the B200 Super Kingair (left) arrived first and had dispersed before the C90 Kingair arrived (right), as we expected.   Consequently we had said our goodbyes at Kairik before departure.   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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