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IOCG 2013
Australian Iron Oxide Cu-Au Deposits
Photo Index
[Prominent Hill Core]
A day at OZ Minerals' Prominent Hill deposit, northern South Australia.   On arrival, the group was taken to the exploration office for the safety induction, before receiving detailed expert presentations from Marcel Van Eck, Exploration Manager, SA., and Ian Anderson Exploration Geologist, covering the discovery, setting, geology, alteration and mineralisation of the Prominent Hill deposit. These presentations lasted until late morning, when, after a question session, the group were taken outside for the core display, where core from a series of drill holes had been laid out illustrating the alteration, mineralisation, host- and country-rocks to the deposit. The first core session lasted until lunch, which was followed by a second session looking at more core. The afternoon was completed with two presentations from tour particpants on other deposits for the benefit of out hosts' geological staff. The images above show the group studying drill core in the first session, led by Marcel Van Eck (left in inset image - answering queries from members of the group) and other geological staff. The day had been very informative and provided valuable insights into IOCG mineralisation. It had stimulated discussion, which was still raging when it was necessary to terminate the visit in preparation for the scheduled 4:00 pm departure of the tour aircraft.   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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