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Iron 2010
Major Iron Deposits of South Africa & Brazil
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[In the Sishen pit]

At Kumba Iron Ore's Sishen mine. (South Africa)   After leaving Upington at sunrise, the group was driven by charter van to arrive at the Sishen mine gate by 08:00 am.   Following a safety induction they were given a series of comprehensive briefings occupying much of the morning, providing an overview of the operation, the geology and mineralisation of the deposit, the exploration and production geology, as well as geodata and modelling, and geotechnical services.   They were then taken to a vantage point for an overview of the mine (top centre) before going into the pit to study the hosts and different ore types (right) during the afternoon.   Left: Kumba Senior Geologist Louis Venter (white hard hat) discusses the geology with members of the tour group.
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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