Traverse across Assmang Iron Ore's Khumani - King deposit. (South Africa) The group was taken on a traverse through the un-developed King deposit at Assmang Iron Ore's Khumani operation, from the freshly exposed recent detrital ores (top left), to the underlying Palaeoproterozoic conglomerate ores where rounded to sub-rounded clasts of hard high grade massive hematite are set in a hematitic matrix (top centre and lower left), to the unconformably underlying massive and laminated high grade hematite (lower centre and lower right), then into the basal breccia ores and the underlying footwall dolomites. The group was also given the opportunity to study a recent drill hole through the ore zones (upper right). This visit, which concentrated on the outcropping ore and hosts, complemented the previous day at Sishen which focussed on the same ore types exposed at depth in the open pit. Photographs by Mike Porter.
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