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NewGold '99
New Gold Discoveries & Mines
Photo Index
With Great Central Mines Staff at the Jundee open pit, Western Australia.
On Lake Carey with Placer Granny Smith and Acacia Resources staff,
From the left - Duncan Gibbs (Acacia Resources, Sunrise Dam), Phil Tornatora (Acacia Resources, Sunrise Dam), Bruce Kendall (Acacia Resources, Darwin), Jim Anderson (Johnson's Well Mining, Kalgoorlie), Chris Spurway (Acacia Resources, Sunrise Dam), Tommy McKeith (Gold Fields Australasia Pty Ltd, Perth), Mikio Takahashi (Mitsui Mining & Smelting, Melbourne), Ron Netolitzky (Viceroy Resource Corp, Canada), Keith Bettles (Barrick Goldstrike, USA), Doug Kirwin (Ivanhoe Mines, Thailand), Peter Doyle (Gold Fields Australasia Pty Ltd, Perth), Malcolm Titley (Placer Granny Smith), Roric Smith (AngloGold, Exploraton, Perth), Gerald Panneton (Barrick Gold Corp, Canada), Wade Johnson (Gutnick Resources, Kalgoorlie), Acacia Student Geologist, Mal Forbes (Ivanhoe Mines, Thailand), Placer Granny Smith geologist.
Photograph by Mike Porter

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