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Nickel 2006
Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Deposits
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Komsomalsky Complex Komsomalsky Briefing

At the Komsomolsky Mine, Talnakh, Russia - Left: The mine office and main headframes, and Right:  Aleksandr Glotov, Chief Geologist, Komsomolsky (2nd from right) briefed the group on the geology and mineralisation of the deposit and the planned visit over sections and plans before taking the group underground.   Two Noril'sk Nickel translators, Vladimir Fokshey (3rd from right) and Ann Chernyshova (far right) translated.   Half of the full tour group went to Komsomolsky, while the other half visited Octyabrsky. On the following day the visits were reversed so each part of the group saw both.
Photographs by Mike Porter

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