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Nickel 2006
Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Deposits
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Group Photo at Jinchuan

Tour Group in China with Jinchuan and Jinchuan-BHP Billiton JV geologists  -  From left:  Takayoshi Murakami (JOGMEC, Japan), Taro Yajima (JOGMEC, Japan), Vanessa Beach (INCO, Canada), Arnold Burton (INCO, Canada), Jane Zheng (Foreign Affairs Office, Jinchuan Group, who accompanied the group throughout the visit), Jack Ma (Jinchuan Group), Bill Williams (Phelps Dodge, USA), Mr Qiao Fu-gui (Vice-director, Strategy and Development, Jinchuan Group), Mike Porter (Porter GeoConsultancy, Australia), Phil Baker (Rio Tinto, Australia), Cao Ya-Wen (BHP Billiton, China).
Photograph by Mike Porter

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