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OzGold 2011
Major Australia Gold Deposits
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[Cadia core and overview]
Drill core display and pit overview.   Following the briefing, the group was given the opportunity to study core from a series of representative drill holes through the suite of mineralisation styles encompassed by the Cadia Valley Operations and discuss what they saw with Newcrest staff who were on hand to assist.   The overall visit, including the drill core display was organised and overseen by Melissa Morgan (right in the upper-centre image).   Subsequently the group was taken to a lookout over the Cadia Hill pit to view the distribution of the rock and ore types they had seen in core.   The visit was conclude with two technical talks from tour participants presentated to the assembled Newcrest geological staff.   In the late afternoon, the group transferred to Orange airport to catch the 5:00 pm commuter flight to Sydney.   Those tour members that had only taken the Cowal and Cadia sections of the tour left the group in either Orange or Sydney airports.
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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