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OzGold 2011
Major Australia Gold Deposits
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[KCGM presentation]
KCGM presentation at Kalgoorlie.   On the morning of Thursday 17th November, the group left early from their Perth hotel and transferred to the Skippers terminal at Perth airport to arrive by 5:00 am where they had breakfast in the VIP lounge, followed by take-off before 6:00 am on their charter aircraft, bound for Kalgoorlie.   On arrival in Kalgoorlie, they boarded the awaiting charter bus to transfer directly to the KCGM Super Pit main gate.   Following a safety induction they were taken to the training centre for an excellent, comprehensive and extensive briefing on the setting, geology, mineralisation, alteration and structure of the deposits of the Golden Mile by David Nixon of KCGM.
Photograph by Mike Porter.

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