The Module 1, Archaean Group on the Mount Hunt Traverse near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
From left: Nick Fox (Anglo American, South Africa), Andrew Magart (Acacia Resources, Australia - middle), David Scott (Avgold, South Africa - front), Dawie Strydom (Anglo American, South Africa), Schalk Strauss (Gold Fields of South Africa - back), Antonio Arribas (Placer Dome Exploration, USA - front), Dudley Emslie (Anglo American, South Africa - middle), Rob Walker (Gold Fields of South Africa - back), Dean Wadsworth (PT Freeport, Indonesia - middle), Richard Napier (Exploration Consultants Ltd, UK), Keith Kenyon (Anglo American, South Africa), José Carlos Cunha (Companhia Baiana de Peaquisa Minerai, Brazil), Ian Hutchinson (Anglo American, South Africa), John Landmark (Minorco, Australia), Stephen Wyche (GSWA, our guide), Jim Matlock (Cyprus Amax Minerals Co, USA), Geoff Hudson (AMF - absent). Photograph by Mike Porter