At Olympic Dam. Upon arrival, the group was given a safety induction followed by a comprehensive briefing on the setting, geology and mineralisation at the deposit. This was followed by a study of drill core from representative holes through the various sections of the ore deposit and enclosing country rocks, demonstrating the different styles of mineralisation, alteration and brecciation (left), supervised by a number of expereineced BHP Billiton geologists. During the ensuing lunch break, two members of the tour group gave presentations to the Olympic Dam staff geologists on similar mineralisation and settings elsewhere in Australia and in Canada. After lunch the group went underground to visit a range of stops through the ore deposit. In the right hand image, Senior Project Geologist, Sarah Chinner (right) and Senior Mine Geologist, Darren Stephens (centre) discuss aspects of the ore with Simon Dorling (left) of CSA Global while underground. In the late afternoon, the group returned to the surface, said their goodbyes and thanks for an excellent visit, and transferred to the airport where the tour charter aircraft returned them to Adelaide by early evening. Photographs by Mike Porter.
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