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Uranium 2009
Australian Uranium Deposits
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[Field Workshop]
Pine Creek Orogen field workshop, continued.   The field workshop continued through the morning and early afternoon in the Rum Jungle Uranium Field, including the Browns copper pit (central lower image), the old White's uranium pit (lower left image), both with abundant graphitic argillites, and remnant ore from White's (bottom right), before visiting other sites (top centre) enroute along the Arnhem Highway between Darwin and Jabiru in the late afternoon.   While the long drives from Darwin to Rum Jungle and on to Jabiru were by chauffeur driven air conditioned bus (top right), four wheel drive access was required in the field at Rum Jungle entailing short drives.   To accommodate the latter transfers only, a less comfortable, but more practical Toyota Troop Carrier was brought from Darwin for the day (top left).
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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