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Zinc '98
Zinc Deposits of Europe & North America
Photo Index
[Module 2 group]
The Module 2 Group in the field near Sullivan, BC, Canada.

From left: Carl Hehnke (Kennecott Exploration, USA), Terry Lees (Pasminco Exploration, Australia), Steve Coombes (Kennecott Exploration, Canada), Stuart Mills (Minorco, Hungary), Terry Ballinger (North Limited, Australia), Sam Wiggett (Billiton SA, South Africa), Simon Booth (Normandy Mining, Australia), Bob Beeson (North Limited, Australia - rear), Craig Leitch (Expert Consultant to the Tour, Canada), Andrew Allan (North Limited, Australia), Mark Saxon (Pasminco Exploration, Peru), Terry Middleton (Herald Resources, Australia), Sally Dibben (Pasminco Exploration, Australia), Tim Craske (WMC Resources, Australia).
Kneeling: Simon Tear (Rio Tinto Exploration, Australia), Pat Mackenzie (Rio Tinto Exploration, Australia), Steve Andrews (Rio Tinto Exploration, Australia).
This group visited the sediment hosted zinc ore deposits at Sullivan, British Columbia, Canada; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA; Red Dog, Alaska, USA; Faro/Anvil, Yukon, Canada; and Howard's Pass on the Yukon-NWT border, also in Canada. In addition there was an overview workshop in Vancouver at the start of the module.   Photograph by Mike Porter.

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