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Andean Porphyries 2018
Porphyry Cu & Au in the Andes
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[Core and Field at Alpala]
The Cascabel Project, Ecuador. Following their return from Antamina and Huaraz, the group spent the night in Lima before an early flight to Quito in Ecuador next morning, Sunday 17 June. On arrival they were met by a minibus and new members joining the group in Quito, before driving north for ~2 hours to the town of Ibarra to overnight in readiness for an early start next morning.
   The group departed on the morning of Monday 18 June by minibus for the camp at Rocafuerte. On arrival they were given a safety induction and a detailed briefing on the setting, geology, alteration and mineralisation of the Cascabel project area and Alpala deposit. Next they inspected and discussed drill core with Solgold geologists from holes cutting the Alpala deposit. In the early afternoon, following lunch, they were driven south to the Alpala deposit area to visit the 'discovery outcrop' of exposed porphyry style mineralisation above the largely concealed deposit. The image to the right shows the group on the outcrop area, with a horizontal diamond saw cut channel sample evident immediately behind the geologist to the left. The visit ended in the late afternoon and they returned to Ibarra by early evening where they spent the night. Next morning they set out for Quito where the group disbanded and took their separate flights to destinations around the world.       Images by Mike Porter.

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