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ADIMB Australia 2008
Australian Gold & Base Metal Deposits
   GROUP PHOTO      
ADIMB Australia Tour Group
The Tour Group at Noril'sk Nickel Australia's Cawse Lateritic Nickel Mine, Western Australia, with Cawse staff.
From the left: Standing - Sergio Brandão (Yamana Gold), Marcos Tedesco (Aura Minerals), Raymundo Wilson Silva (CBPM), Márcio Coppi (Yamana Gold), Leandro Guimarães (New Gold), Jones Belther (Votorantim Metais), Marco Túlio Naves (Votorantim Novos Negócios), José Carlos Cunha (CBPM), Leigh Slomp (Geology Manager, Noril'sk Nickel Cawse), Doug Cook (Mirabela Nickel), Petina Wallace (Noril'sk Nickel Cawse).
Kneeling: Thommas Brenner (Votorantim Metais), Eugenio Ferrari (Votorantim Metais, Peru), Joyce Barrancos (Votorantim Metais), Kelly Palmer (Noril'sk Nickel Cawse), Kezia Shvigel (Noril'sk Nickel Cawse). Photograph provided by, and reproduced with the permission of, ADIMB Brazil.

This was a 'Tour to Order', organised by Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd on request from, and to the specifications of, the Brazilian industry association Agência para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Indústria Mineral Brasileira (ADIMB), as a professional development course for staff of their member companies.

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