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A Tour to Order - Organised by Porter GeoConsultancy
ADIMB Australia 2008
Australian Gold & Base Metal Deposits
September 2008
Kalgoorlie Superpit in 2008
Porter GeoConsultancy (PGC) assisted the Agência para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Indústria Mineral Brasileira - ADIMB of Brazil, to organise a  Tour to Order  for 13 senior Brazilian geologists to 10 significant gold and base metal ore deposits across Australia during September 2008.

  The tour was divided into the SW Module in Western Australia, the NE Module in NW Queensland and the Central Module in western NSW and northern South Australia. Participants took all or part of the tour, as suited their interests or availability.

  The tour commenced when the group assembled independently in Perth, Western Australia on the evening of Sunday 7 September, 2008 and ended in Adelaide, South Australia, on the morning of Tuesday 23 September, 2008, after which the group dispersed and returned to Brazil.

  The tour was not escorted by PGC.   A detailed itinery explaining the arrangements, what logistics items had been arranged and where they were to be picked up or departed from, at what time, maps, reporting places and times for each mine visit, contact names and phone numbers for the hosts for each visit, transport and accommodation providers and etc., was presented to the tour members prior to the commencement of the tour, to manage themselves.

  A technical Literature Compilation covering the regional to local setting, geology and mineralisation at each mine and a set of geological maps relevant to the deposits visited were also purchased/prepared and presented to the tour party prior to the commencement of the tour.

GROUP PHOTO  -  See who took the tour

  The program included the following mine visits:

South-west Module - Western Australia - 5 days, from Mon. 8 to Fri. 12 September, 2008

Kalgoorlie Super-pit, a Neoarchaean greenstone belt gold in the central Yilgarn Craton;

St Ives, a cluster of more than 60 greenstone gold deposits spread over a ~35 km long, NNW-SSE orieneted corridor, >60 km SSE of Kalgoorlie;

Cawse Lateritic Nickel, a 30 km x 500 m corridor of deposits over Neoarchaean dunite in a Yilgarn Craton greenstone belt, ~55 km north of Kalgoorlie;

Kambalda Nickel, >22 massive sulphide magmatic nickel deposits hosted by Neoarchaean komatiites in a number of clusters to the south of Kalgoorlie;

Forrestania Nickel, a cluster of Mesoarchaean komatiite hosted massive & disseminated magmatic sulphide nickel deposits, 200 km SW of Kalgoorlie;

   Sat. 13 and Sun. 14 September were spent travelling ~6000 km across the continent, from Southern Cross, via Kalgoorlie, Perth and Brisbane to Mt Isa.

North-east Module - in North-west Queensland - 3 days, from Mon. 15 to Wed. 17 September, 2008

Ernest Henry Copper-Gold, Mesoproterozoic, magnetite-rich IOCG deposit within the Eastern Fold Belt of the Mount Isa Inlier;

George Fisher Zinc-Lead-Silver, Mesoproterozoic sediment hosted massive sulphide deposit in the Western Succession of the Mount Isa Inlier;

Mount Isa Copper, Mesoproterozoic, transgressive sediment hosted copper deposit in the Western Succession of the Mount Isa Inlier;

   The evening of Wed. 16 and Thu. 17 September were spent travelling from Mt Isa, via Brisbane and Sydney to Broken Hill.

Central Module - in western New South Wales and northern South Australia - 4 days, from Fri. 19 to Mon. 22 September, 2008

Broken Hill Zinc-Lead-Silver, Late Palaeoproterozoic, massive sulphides, in low pressure, high temperature, high grade, metasedimentary rocks;

   The morning of Sat. 20 of September was spent flying from Broken Hill to Adelaide in South Australia, before flying on to Olympic Dam early on Monday.

Olympic Dam Copper-Gold-Uranium, Mesoproterozoic, hematite-rich IOCG deposit within the Gawler Craton in northern South Australia.

  The image above is section of the Kalgoorlie Superpit gold mine in 2008.

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