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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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Quebrada Orito decline, El Peñón mine
Minera Meridians El Peñón low sulphidation gold mine in the Atacama desert south-east of Antofagasta, Northern Chile.   Studying drill core (left), members of the group studying and sampling the vein system underground (centre) and the portal to the Quebrada Orito section of the mine (right).

  The group departed Antofagasta at 5:45 am for the 2 hour drive east into the Andes to the El Peñón mine. On site they were given a comprehensive presentation on the geology of the deposit and it's discovery before being taken underground down the Quebrada Orito decline to study the Quebrada Colorado and Orito Sur veins and the enclosing country rocks and structure. Back on surface, they were shown drill core through a number of the veins and enclosing country rocks, prior to returning to Antofagasta in the late afternoon.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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