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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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Mantos Blancos open pit
The Mantos Blancos copper mine, northern Chile, in 2001, and senior mine geologist Jose Rodriguez P (right) explains the geology of the deposit in the pit to members of the group.
  Following a rest day on the previous day, Sunday, the group departed Antofagasta by 7:30 am on Monday morning for the 45 minute drive north to the Mantos Blancos mine. The visit involved a 1 hour 45 minute presentation on the geology and mineralisation of the deposit, followed by an overview from the mirador/lookout and then inspection of the ore, alteration and geology at five locations across the open pit. The group was then taken to the core yard to study core from representative drill holes. They departed Manto Blancos at 3:00 pm and drove south, taking the bypass around Antofagasta and continuing south along the coast, through the port of Chanaral and then Caldera to Bahia Englesa, arriving at 9:00 pm, where they spent the night.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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