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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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Sossego Hill and Sequeirinho
At the Sossego Project, Carajas District, Brazil, prior to mining. On arrival, after the drive from Canaá dos Carajás, the group was treated to an excellent, and superbly presented office briefing by José Fanton of Mineração Serra do Sossego.   The group ascended Sossego Hill (centre) and studied the exposed, mineralised, breccia pipe before inspecting exposure and trenches at the neighbouring, larger Sequeirinho deposit (upper left).   Subsequently, José Fanton explained more details of the deposit over plans and sections (upper right) in the core shed as an introduction to the representative well thought out core display.

The group departed in the mid afternoon and continued on in the tour minibuses, via Parauapebas to the Carajás Nucleo, arriving at their accommodation before last light.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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