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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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A road cutting above the Cristalino deposit
On the Cristalino Project in the Carajas District, Brazil.   After a revealing and comprehensive office briefing by Fabio Masotti of Docegeo, the group was split.   Left: Half were taken to key exposures of the mineralisation and hosts, mostly in track cutting as there was little outcrop, while the others viewed core through the ore deposit at well selected locations, before swapping so all saw both aspects.   Right: Fabio Masotti explains aspects of the deposit to Doug Jones (Delta Gold, Australia).

That morning, the group had departed Marabá in two charter minibuses to drive to the Cristalino camp in the eastern Carajás District, arriving at Noon. They were given an informative visit, as descibed above. Following the visit they continued on in the late afternoon and evening to the town of Canaá dos Carajás to overnight.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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