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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
Photo Index
Crixas Mine
At the Crixas mines of Mineração Serra Grande, Goias, Brazil.  Top left: The aircraft chartered for the transfer from Brasilia to Crixas and return.  Top right: Manager Geology, Walter Yamaoka discusses the sites to be visited on plans underground on the plat.   Centre left: Anglogold Exploration Senior Geologist Jaimir Matsui points out aspects of the ore to Eugenio Espada of Anglo American, Peru.   Lower left: The decline portal to the Mina Nova at Crixas.   Lower right: studying one of the ore veins underground.

The group had overnighted in Brasilia and made an early start by air charter to fly to Crixas where they were met by Mina Serra Grande geologists. They were first given a detailed geological introduction before being taken underground at both Mina III and Mina Nova to inspect both a semi-massive sulphide lode and high grade quartz veins, as well as some lower grade faces. Next they were shown core from drill holes through the veins, structures and country rocks, and then mineralisation on ore stockpiles. They departed mid to late afternoon to return to Brasilia.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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