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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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[Morro Velho]
The end of the day at the historic Morro Velho Casa Grande, the Head Offices of Anglogold Brasil in Nova Lima, MG, Brazil.   Left: Coffee and refreshments on the terrace with Cláudia Meinberg (PA to the President of Anglogold Brasil) who organised the excellent visit, and Sabrina (right), our English speaking guide.   Right: Doug Jones (Delta Gold, Australia) with the 3D model of the long pencil shaped Morro Velho orebody.

After visiting the beneficiation plant, the group was taken to the Casa Grande where they were shown through the mine museum that traced the history of the Morro Velho mine, including a 3D model of the Morro Velho deposit.   The afternoon ended with coffee and refreshments on a wide verandah of the Casa Grande, overlooking the gardens. However, as we finished, large, dark, billowing clouds rolled in, accompanied by lightning, and at first rumbling, then claps of thunder and torrential rain. The group then retired to their hotel in Belo Horizonte following a very satisfying day.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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