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Eldorado 2001
The New World Au & FeOx Cu-Au of South America
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At the Morro Velho Operation
At the Morro Velho operation, in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil.   Upper left: Underground at Cuiaba, Frederico Vieira of Anglogold explains aspects of the deposit to the group.   Upper right: In the oxidised ore of the Santa Cruz pit at Mina Raposas.   Lower left: Underground, Frederico Vieira (right) explains the sulphide ore textures to Eugenio Espada of Anglo American, Peru.   Lower right: The main headframe of the Cuiaba Mine.

The day had begun with a drive across Belo Horizonte to the Morro Velho operation Cuiaba Mine office, where the group was given a comprehensive overview of the deposits of the operation, before going underground to traverse the deposit and enclosing country rocks. This was followed by lunch at the mine canteen and then a visit to the Santa Cruz open-pit at Mina Raposas to see the oxide ore, and a brief tour of the Quieroz beneficiation plant.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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