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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[Arrival at Palau Merah]
Arrival at Palau Merah:   On the day following the Martabe presentation in Jakarta, the group flew to Denpasar on the island of Bali and checked in to their hotel on the Kuta Beach waterfront, convenient to the airport.   Two particpants had left the tour after the Martabe presentation and one new starter awaited the group's arrival in Denpasar.   They departed Denpasar at first light next morning in two helicopters (Bell 206 and 407), to fly northwest up the west coast of Bali, and cross the Bali Straight at its narrowest, then south west over east Java to Palau Merah on the south coast of the island, where the Tujuh Bukit Project is located.   The alternative to the 50 minute helicopter flight was a day long drive and ferry crossing of the Bali Strait.   The main image shows the Bell 407 arriving at Intrepid Mines' base camp with 6 members of the tour group.   The lower-left image shows the two chartered helicopters on the pads at Palau Merah.   The lower-right image shows the island of Palau Merah (Red Island), which is one of a number of a porphyry-epithermal deposit that fall within the 40 sq. km advances argillic alteration footprint that represents the known Tujuh Bukit (Seven Hills) mineralised system.   The group photo that follows was taken on the beach facing this island.   The main Tumpangpitu porphyry copper-gold deposit, which has a telescoped high sulphidation epithermal overprint, is below the hill in the background of the lower-left image.   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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