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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[Tujuh Bukit Presentations]
Tujuh Bukit Presentations at Palau Merah:   When both helicopters had arrived, the group walked to the Intrepid Mines' project base, previously the fishing village of Palau Merah, where they were given refreshments to supplement the Starbucks breakfast at Denpasar airport (as we had left our hotel before the restaurant opened).   This was followed by the obligatory safety induction, with emphasis on Tsunami warnings and evacuation to high ground.   The group was then treated to a series of comprehensive, and well prepared and delivered lectures/presentations on the project, its discovery history and evaluation, setting, geology, mineralisation and alteration from Peter Eaton, Senior Manager Operations (standing in main image), and Rachel Harrison, Senior Exploration Geologist, both of Intrepid Mines.   These presentations took up much of the morning, and following an early lunch, we were taken to the core facility where a number of selected drill holes were laid out for inspection, accompanied by drill sections, plans and logs with assay results.   A number of senior Intrepid Mines geologists, including James Patterson, Manager Geology, and Julian Bartlett, were present to walk us through the core, to answer questions and discuss what we saw.   These holes illustrated the main lithologies, alteration styles and mineralisation types.   Subsequently the group was led on a traverse through exposed altered country rocks along the beach front opposite the island of Palau Merah.   In the top-right image, Rachel Harrison of Intrepid Mines and Rob Parkinson of Gold Fields Australasia inspect sulphidic, argillic altered rocks on the beach.   Following the traverse, the group returned to the exploration office, where a member of the group provided a presentation on an epithermal-porphyry copper-gold deposit for our hosts.   By now it was mid afternoon, and as only one helicopter (a Bell 206) was available to transfer the group to our overnight location on East Java before sunset, the first of the three loads of participants departed, followed progressively by the others as the machine returned.   This had been another very professionally rewarding day.   Photographs by Mike Porter.

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