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Epithermal Gold 2012
Epithermal Gold Deposits of the Western Pacific
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[Lihir Pit]
Drill Core and Overview Presentation at Lihir:   Following the pit visit, the group were taken to the large core facility where a number of selected drill holes were laid out.   Warwick Fortune took the group through the core in detail, demonstrating the ore textures, styles and associated alteration and distribution of mineralisation, with assistance from John Komane, Resource Geologist and Marc Akop, Senior Exporation Geologist.   The group then returned to the mine office, where Warwick delivered a comprehensive, well thought-out lecture on the deposit, its setting, geology, mineralisation and alteration to put what we had seen during the day into context, followed by discussion.   By the end of the briefing, it was mid-afternoon and time to return to the airport to fly out, bound for Port Moresby, where we would overnight before another early start next day.   On the way to the airport, we passed the discovery outcrop (top-right), once on the sea shore, now separated from the Ocean by the artificial bund that protects the pit from inundation.  Photographs by Mike Porter.

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