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Iron Oxide Copper Gold in South America
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Composite Group Photo
Tour Group - with CVRD staff crossing the Itacaiunas River in Brazil (left) and with Anglo American Chile staff at Mantoverde in Chile (right).   Composite image.   From left:  Sergio Cattalani (CVRD Inco, Canada who joined the tour as a member of the group in Brazil), Denise Rocha (CVRD, Brazil, who assisted the group in Brazil), Eugenio Espada (Minera Barrick Misquichilca, Colombia), Marcio Sales (CVRD, our host in Brazil, crouching), Marcelo Cortes (Anglo American Chile, Mantoverde), Ken Nakayama (JOGMEC, Chile), Graeme Corlett (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Ximena Prieto (Barrick Sudamérica, Chile), Tony Goddard (Barrick Gold of Australia), Ernesto Oporto (SCM Atacama Kozan, Chile), Cristian Astudillo (Anglo American Chile, Mantoverde), Josh Bryant (BHP Billiton, Olympic Dam, Australia), Daniel Muller (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Fernando Hintze (Translator to the Tour in Chile).
Photograph by Mike Porter.

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