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Iron 2010
Major Iron Deposits of South Africa & Brazil
Photo Index
[Carajas N4W]

Carajás N4E mine and Drill core study.   After the traverse in the N4E mine, the group was taken for an overview of the adjacent N4W mine (lower-centre image), section of which is shown as the upper image (note the peneplain surface of the plataeu below which the deposits occur).   The group was then shown the upper contact of the ore and section of the adjacent hangingwall mafic volcanic sequence in the N4W mine (lower-right image).   Much of the afternoon following the pit visits was spent in the company's extensive core starage facility studying core from drill holes through the Serra Norte group of deposits (which includes N4E and N4W), as well as the nearby Serra Leste deposit (currently being developed) which has a higher proportion of lumpy hard hematite ore (lower-left image).   Vale exploration geologists contributed to the discussion of the core.
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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