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Iron 2010
Major Iron Deposits of South Africa & Brazil
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[Carajas zoo]

Carajás Zoo.   Following the completion of the Carajás mine visits, the group had time to spare next morning before the departure of the only flight out for the day.   During this time they were taken to Vale's Carajás Zoo, where the company has a large collection of the native fauna of that part of the Amazon forest, housed in natural settings, aimed at maintaining the species.   In the main image the group is looking at some of the wide range of monkeys on the moat surrounded artificial islands.   Other highlights were the large cats, including Jaguars (lower-left), pumas (lower second image from left), a black "panther" jaguar (lower third from left image) and ocelots (lower second from right image).   Right lower image is of tickling a tapir.   After the zoo visit and lunch the group packed up to go to the airport to fly to Brasilia and from there to disperse to their respective home bases around the world.
Photographs by Mike Porter.

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