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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
Photo Index
In the Caujone Pit

In the pit at Caujone in Peru   -   After a thorough, well illustrated briefing the group was taken to a well thought out series of stops in the main Cuajone pit.   Left: Section of the Caujone pit in 2003;   Top right: Chief Geologist Oscar Concha (right) discusses aspects of the geology at the face with Craig Parry of Rio Tinto and Jun Rovillos of Ivanhoe.   Lower right: Members of the group discuss relationships in a specimen and what they mean.

The group had departed their hotel at Moquega by 6:30 that morning and were at the Caujone mine gate by just after 7:00 am.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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