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Super Porphyry 2003-04
The Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
October 2003 & April-May 2004


MODULE 1 - South America

  Module 1 Group Photo.

 The Andean Traverse Field Workshop.

 Views of the Los Bronces Pit.

 In the Los Bronces Pit.

  Tour Group & charter aircraft at Chacay.

  At the Los Pelambres MIne.

  Underground at El Teniente.

  Exposure & core at the Escondida Mine.

  Tour group in the pit at the Zaldivar Mine.

  At the Zaldiva Mine.

  At the Chuquicamata Mine.

  Traverse & core at Chuquicamata.

  Spence Project core & decline.

  On the Spence Project site.

  Atacama Desert stop.

  El Salvador briefing.

  At the El Salvador Mine.

  Ujina - Collahuasi pit.

  In the Collahuasi pits.

  In the Cuajone pit.

  With Southern Peru Copper staff.

  En-route from Lima to Huaraz.

  In the Antamina Pit.

  With Antamina staff in the core shed.

  Flight from Anta/Huaraz to end the Module.
MODULE 2 - Western Pacific

  Module 2 Group Photo

  Overlooking the Erdenet Pit, northern Mongolia.

  Mining in the Erdenet Pit, northern Mongolia.

  In the field in the Erdenet mineralised corridor.

  Arrival at the Oyu Tolgoi Project South Gobi, Mongolia.

  Oyu Tolgoi Project Camp, Southern Mongolia.

  Presentation & Core at Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia.

  On Turquoise Hill at Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia.

  Briefings at Dexing Jiangxi Province, SE China.

  In the Tongchang Pit at Dexing, Jiangxi, SE China.

  Studying rocks inside & outside of the Pit at Dexing.

  Chinese banquet at the Dexing guest-house.

  In the Batu Hijau open pit, Sumbawa, Indonesia.

  In the field outside of the mine area at Batu Hijau.

  The Tropical Beach where the tour group stayed.

  Batu Hijau drill core briefing & inspection.

  End of the Batu Hijau visit, Sumbawa, Indonesia.

  Regional briefing & drill core, PT Freeport Indonesia.

  Travelling to the Grasberg open pit, Papua, Indonesia.

  In the pit at Grasberg with Freeport staff, Indonesia.

  Studying the geology in the Grasberg open pit.

  Underground in the Grasberg & Ertsberg skarns.

  East Lachlan Field Workshop, NSW, Australia.

  At Newcrest's Cadia Hill open pit, NSW, Australia.

  Drill core from Cadia East & Ridgeway.

  Wrapping up the tour at Cadia, NSW, Australia.

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A PorterGeo International Study Tour
This tour was designed, developed, organised, managed and escorted by
T M (Mike) Porter of Porter GeoConsultancy Pty Ltd.
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