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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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[Underground at El Teniente]

Underground at the El Teniente Mine   -   Ricardo Floody, Superintendencia Geologia (upper left image), provided a detailed briefing using maps and sections to explain the geology and mineralisation of the deposit before taking the group on a traverse across the different ore & alteration types and lithologies encountered in the mine.   Later the group examined drill core through the deposit.

After a drawn-out check-out from their hotel that morning, the group had departed late from Santiago by charter bus at 6:45 am for the drive to El Teniente, arriving at 8:50 am. After the visit, they departed at 4:10 pm to drive direct to Santiago airport for a 7:50 pm commercial flight to Antofagasta in northern Chile. They landed at 9:45 pm and rendezvoused with the charter bus to be used through much of the tour in northern Chile, which took them to the Hotel Antofagasta.

Photographs by Mike Porter.
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