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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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Presentation and departure from Sumbawa

End of the Batu Hijau visit  -   Left: The visit concluded on the second morning in Sumbawa with three presentations to the PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara geological staff by tour group members on copper-gold systems elsewhere in the world on which they worked.   Right: Finally the group packed up and departed on the Tropical Charter flight for Denpasar.

On the second morning of the visit, the group were first shown further drill core, before retreating to a hall where the presentations detailed above were delivered. Then after lunch at the Tropical Club, they packed up and were driven to the Sekongkang airstrip where the aircraft chartered to service the Tropical Beach Club awaited. They took-off at 4:00 pm and flew, with a brief stop-over in Mataram on the island of Lombok to arrive in Denpasar in Bali at 5:30 pm. They rested for a few hours in their Bali hotel before transferring to the airport by 11:00 pm to catch the coming overnight series of flights, onward to West Papua and Grasberg.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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