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Underground in the Grasberg / Ertsberg skarns - Left: Herry Susanto of the Freeport Underground Geology group (second from right) with 'Budi' Boedijono (on the right) points out aspects of the mineralisation to Peter Pelly (BHP Billiton - South Africa) and other members of the tour group in the Kucing Liar deposit adjacent to the Grasberg Igneous Complex. Right: Looking at the geological/mining plan in the DOZ skarn adjacent to the Ertsberg Intrusive prior to inspecting the ore/geology at draw points and in drives.
The underground visit was followed by more presentations from PT Freeport Indonesia staff before three presentations to their host's geological staff by tour group members on copper-gold systems elsewhere in the world. With much discussion and questions, these lasted until late afternoon when they were driven back down the hill to Timika in the lowlands. The group arrived in Timika in the early evening and overnighted there. The next day was Saturday and the group spent a rest day and that night there, engaged with such tasks as airfreighting rocks home. They departed Timika at 11:40 am on Sunday for Denpasar, arriving at 2:00 pm. A few members left the tour at this stage, not continuing on to Australia. The remiander rested in day rooms at one of the nearby hotels before returning to the airport to depart at 10:45 pm for Sydney, and arrive at 6:35 am. After clearing Customs and Immigration they were transferred to the Sydney Airport Holiday Inn for breakfast and to receive the first presentation of the East Lachlan Field Workshop which marked the beginning of the Australian segment of the tour. Photographs by Mike Porter