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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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Visiting the Cadia open pit

Visit to Newcrest Mining's Cadia - Ridgeway Operation, NSW, Australia  -   After a comprehensive geological briefing, the group studied core through various parts of the Cadia Hill orebody, before being taken for an overview, and then going down into the pit.
Top left: At the lookout overlooking the Cadia Hill pit, Paul Dunham (Senior Mine Geologist, Open Pit; fourth from left) with Dean Fredericksen (Principal Geologist, Cadia Valley Operations; third from left), Colin McMillan (second from right) and Stuart Hayward (right) who pointed out the key features of the deposit   Top right: Section of the Cadia Hill pit. Lower left and right:   Studying and discussing the ore, alteration and hosts at selected locations within the pit with Newcrest staff.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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