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Super Porphyry 2003 - 04
Super Porphyry Cu/Au Deposits of the World
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Drill core at Cadia

End of the Cadia-Ridgeway visit and the tour  -   Left: Following the Cadia Hill open pit visit Colin McMillan and Stuart Hayward posed in front of the then World's largest SAG Mill.   Right: After viewing the core and other discussions, the members of the group lined up for one last photo before departing - from the left: Gustavo Zulliger (Rio Tinto Mining & Exploration, Argentina), Stuart Hayward (Newcrest Mining, Australia), Huw Williams (Ivanhoe Mines, China), Keith Kenny (AngloGold, Australia), Colin McMillan (Newcrest Mining, Australia), Justin Baulch (Placer Dome, Australia).

The visit was completed by 4:00 pm, in time to transfer to Orange Airport and catch the 5:00 pm commuter flight to Sydney. From there the group said their goodbyes and dispersed around the world.

Photographs by Mike Porter

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